Some cool, free wallpaper for your desktop. Click the image to get the 1024 x 768 version. Then right click the image and select Set as Desktop Background from the flyout menu.
I just received an email from Sharon Chekroun announcing her web site. These are exquisitely beautiful images and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. [Link]
Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun To give it my loving friends to keep! Nought man could do, have I left undone: And you see my harvest, what I reap This very day, now a year is run.
The Instair Special Edition has just been published presenting the works of a number of Webists, including myself. There are lots of fabulous images here, so treat yourself to a few hours of great art by some fabulous artists. Just click here, or the banner below.
Some Jazz fans at this Summer's Beaches Jazz Festival in Toronto. Done Van Gogh style, I have to say that this painting captures the mood of the evening exactly.